Monday, November 12, 2012

Troubleshooting a broken system, re-install windows

Windows has the Windows operating system, but a failure occurs while booting and the message "misssing operating system". When the boot is repeated, the same thing happened.Damage to your computer's operating system. Reinstall windows. As much as possible try rescue data with the installation without having to reformat the hard drive. But if the hard drive must be formatted, first copy the data on another hard drive. The process of partition and format the hard drive has been discussed before. As for the installation of windows do the following:

1. Please go to the drive where Windows is the master, if the master is on the E drive (CD ROM), then type E: (enter)

2. Then it is recommended to go to the folder master windows by typing: CD WIN98_SE (enter), (for windows users 98) 

3. Before performing the installation, it would be better if you record the serial number first code contained in the file Serial.txt to see the serial number, type the command:      Type CDKEY.TXT (enter)      CD Key: FM9FY-TMF7Q-KCKCT-V9T29-TBBBG 
4. Perform the installation process by typing Install windows (enter). After the installation process is executed, it will munculproses Scandisk automatically performed by the installation program. Wait until the process is completed and press enter to continue with the installation. 
5. Once the enter key is pressed, the monitor display will switch to windows mode. Then the windows operating system installation process was begun. 
6. If it appears the process. Press the continue button. After appearing Checked the system, wait and follow up 100 percent mencampai Checked 
7. Follow the installation process to complete, enter the commands you entered and should appear on the windows that appear when the process. Among the "Option Setup". In this window, you are asked to select one of three setup options are:• Typical, is the recommended setup for computers in general use• Compaq, an option that the windows will be installed in accordance with certain choices that are useful for portable computers• Custom, is a great choice for people who are already proficient in the computer so that the system administrator needs to perform. 
8. If your choice is typical, it will come back option: Install The Most Component (recomended). It is recommended for the selected command. Setup will install the standard Windows components that are often used. Show me the list of components so, I can Choose.With this option, you bias to choose the components you need to install on windows or unnecessarySo if you are not sure of your choice of components to be used in windows, then you should choose the first option is "install the most common components". Then press Next.

9. Continue this process and carefully observe the windows that appears. If there is a window in the middle of the License Agreement, then baa Agreement was fine. If you accept the agreement, click the option "I Accept agreement" and press the Next button 
10. Once you agree to the License Agreement provided and continue the process, usually setup will ask the serial number of the program windows to be installed. Type the serial number that had been noted, and press "Next". If the serial number is correct then the process will continue with the step "Start Copying Files" 
11. The process of copying files is the core stage of the installation process. Wait until the process is running 100 &, the setup will restart your computer automatically in 15 seconds. 
12. Then after the restart, windows setup will re-emerge with the following configuration rules:        Setting date / Time Properties        Charging time zone

13. The process of going back resart done and the next step is the process of detecting the hardware components installed on the computer. on these steps to prepare the CD / DVD driver needed as the printer driver, VGA, Sound, and others. insert the CD / DVD driver when in the middle of the future the computer will ask for the driver components.Established after the hardware detection process is completed, the well is completed stages and subsequent installation of the operating system your computer would reboot process. 

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