Monday, October 29, 2012

Computers can not live

The problems that arise is when turn on the computer, the power button is pressed but the computer is not alive. Though indikato on the computer invisible flame.
To workaround this issue is before you make a step further, make sure first that you have pressed the power button on the CPU (Central prossesing unit) correctly. If that does not flame, do the following steps pengechekan:
1. Check the cable connection. Consider whether the power cable is connected properly from the power outlet to the PC. Plug in the cables once again.
2. Does the computer you use stabikizer? If yes, check if the stabilizer was indeed berfingsi well when used.
3. Also make sure the power outlet is not problematic. Is biased test by connecting another electrical appliance into the power outlet. If the power outlet work means power-outlet still good.
4. After so check your PC will not turn on stage problem is most likely located on the cable power on, replace the power cord with a new one.
5. If that does not light up, the problem may lie in the power supply box, PC or even on the motherboard-nya.jika that happens, then it's time you contacted your customer service point for further confirmation.

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